The Power Performance Expert Group met last month in MEASNET headquarters in Madrid. More than 12 people visited the MEASNET headquarters for first time. It was a challenge for us because it was the first meeting we organized in the new MEASNET headquarters. But we are very happy because...
The 11th of March the Executive Board and the secretary of MEASNET were in the EWEA. We want to thank to our members that gave out in their stands our new handouts.
Aim The aim of the MEASNET Power Performance expert group is to have a high quality of its work, to organize and perform proficiency tests and to achieve an unified understanding of the IEC 61400-12-1 standard. It facilitates the continuous exchange between experts in the field of power performance...
The last 27th of November the 5th Council of Members meeting was held in Madrid . During these meeting the members make a break and visit the new office of Measnet. Located in the CIDA building that the IDR, one of the Measnet members, has in the Montegancedo Campus....
MEASNET has reached an agreement with the IDR (one of our members) to have our headquarters in its building at Montegancedo campus. Montegancedo Campus is part of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and is located in Pozuelo de Alarcon. Montegancedo Campus is situated in a natural setting of oaks on the extension...