MEASNET releases the first public report on Power Performance testing

• This document offers an accurate and realistic overview of the situation of the technical laboratories involved in Power Performance worldwide.
• The report represents a commitment to transparency in the wind energy industry: never before have companies publicly disclosed such a large amount of relevant data about their activity in this competence area.
• More than 75 per cent of the participants have successfully passed the Proficiency Test.
• The report is now available for its free download from the MEASNET website.
Madrid, 18.03.2024.- MEASNET, International Network of Wind Energy Measurement Institutes, has just released the first public report on Power Performance Proficiency testing, presenting in a comprehensive way the results of the Proficiency Test conducted on this competence area, under the rules of IECRE (IEC System for Certification to Standards Relating to Equipment for Use in Renewable Energy Applications). The Proficiency Test has been coordinated by Kostas Papadopoulos.
This document provides an accurate and realistic overview of the situation of the technical laboratories involved in Power Performance worldwide, thanks to high participation (29 tech labs). It represents too a commitment to transparency in the wind energy industry: never before have companies publicly disclosed such a large amount of relevant data about their activity in this field.
Furthermore, the report reveals not only the discrepancies among laboratories, but also the extent to which the results are analogous, as well as the high quality and competence of the participants, with a success rate of over 75 per cent.
Alejandro Martinez, MEASNET Vice Chairman and Technical Advisor for Proficiency Tests, and IECRE Lead Assessor, has stated: “What makes this report exceptional is the public dissemination of a large amount of relevant information on a huge number of participants.”
Martinez has added that “the process implied in the Proficiency Test of analysing the calculations of different laboratories, establishing an open communication among them, and reaching consensus proposals to be submitted to IECRE and IEC TC 88 for the next revisions of the standards, is an exercise whose results go beyond the qualification of the participants as competent for their activities.”
The report on 20PP01 Power Performance Proficiency Test is now available for its free download from the MEASNET website:
MEASNET is the official IECRE provider for Proficiency Tests in the wind industry worldwide, assessing qualification according to harmonised and aligned criteria. More than 90 laboratories have been involved in these technical evaluations since their inception, in 2020. Proficiency testing proves competence through inter-laboratory testing, and fosters mutual trust which enables international acceptance.
*Read here the interview to Alejandro Martínez on e-Tech, IEC online magazine, and the condensed version on its blog.
MEASNET, International Network of Wind Energy Measurement Institutes, is a non-profit organisation for accredited technical service providers engaged in the field of wind energy. Founded in 1997, its goal is to ensure high quality measurements, uniform interpretation of standards and recommendations, as well as interchangeability of results.
MEASNET currently counts 29 members, which are technical laboratories from Australia, China, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and The United States.
Since 2015, MEASNET holds an agreement with IECRE to offer and perform Proficiency Tests under the rules of IECRE as a privileged partner. Furthermore, in 2019, MEASNET signed an A-Liaison with the IEC TC 88 group to promote technology transfer and speed up the process of development and updating of technical guidelines.
Press contact:
Carolina Prada
Cell: +34 608 18 43 80
UPM – Montegancedo Campus
28223 – Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)