Who we are?
Our goals
For much of the last decade, the most reputable European wind test centres have been involved in developing measurement standards to ensure that measurements are performed to a high quality.
Over the same period, several national and international recommendations, standards and requirements for measurement procedures for wind velocity and wind turbine generator systems have been developed or are still under development.
Consequently, for certain measurements, several different formal procedures for gathering and evaluating the data exist and led to different measurement results. Experience also showed that measurements, performed by different institutes did not lead to comparable results, even if they took into account the same recommendations.
To improve this situation, in 1997, the most experienced wind energy institutes decided to work together in a Measuring Network of Wind Energy Institutes called MEASNET, with the goal to work out rules and requirements which will guarantee that high quality measurements are carried out by them.
The necessary creation of the network rules and the establishment of commonly agreed measurement methods were subsidised by the European Commission in two jointly performed projects. For the first time, institutes being in commercial competition agreed to work together for the benefit of their clients, with the objective to perform measurements of equal quality, which are sufficient for the mutual comparison and acceptance that is necessary for the industry in an open worldwide market.
MEASNET organisation chart