Posts Tagged "standards"

The MEASNET PP ExG proposes revision and harmonized implementation of IEC standards

MEASNET proposal revision IEC61400
• This proposal brings together the outcome of lengthy and deep technical discussions and targeted comparative exercises on assumptions and calculations regularly performed within the Power Performance Expert Group. • It includes clarification and revision of some items of IEC 61400-12-1, IEC 61400-12-3 and IEC 61400-50.1, which can be understood...

Alejandro Martinez represents MEASNET at IECRE REMC meeting in Edinburgh

Measnet at IECRE meeting
• The MEASNET Vice Chairman presented the progress of REMC WG 560 “Proficiency evaluation” activity. • The forum took place within the framework of IEC’s 88th Annual General Meeting.   Madrid, 31.10.2024.- Alejandro Martinez, MEASNET Vice Chairman and IECRE Lead Assessor, has attended the IECRE Renewable Energy Management Committee (REMC) annual...

MEASNET attends IECRE SG 551 and WE-SWG meetings in China

Alejandro Martinez
• MEASNET Vice Chairman and IECRE Lead Assessor, Alejandro Martinez, presented in these forums the current status of the Proficiency Tests. Madrid, 27.06.2024.- MEASNET Vice Chairman and IECRE Lead Assessor, Alejandro Martinez, attended the IECRE SG551 and WE-SWG meetings, held last April in Beijing (China). During the meeting of...