The MEASNET PP ExG proposes revision and harmonized implementation of IEC standards

• This proposal brings together the outcome of lengthy and deep technical discussions and targeted comparative exercises on assumptions and calculations regularly performed within the Power Performance Expert Group.
• It includes clarification and revision of some items of IEC 61400-12-1, IEC 61400-12-3 and IEC 61400-50.1, which can be understood or handled in different ways by the users.
• The working group has developed several concepts leading to revisions and corrections, to maximize the proposal’s scope and added value.
• The proposal is available for download on the “Documents” section:
Madrid, 12.11.2024.- The MEASNET Expert Group for Power Performance (ExG-PP) has just issued the “Proposal for Revision & Harmonized Implementation of IEC 61400-12-1, Edition 3.0 for Power Performance measurements with a Hub-Height Met Mast”.
This document brings together the outcome of lengthy and deep technical discussions and targeted comparative exercises on assumptions and calculations regularly performed within the ExG-PP.
They have identified important items in the IEC standards which are understood or handled in different ways by the users. In addition to the clarification proposals, the group has developed several concepts leading to revisions and corrections, to maximize the proposal’s scope and added value.
The proposals include clarification and revision of the content of IEC 61400-12-1, IEC 61400-12-3 and IEC 61400-50.1. These are intended to:
- • Identify ambiguities and inconsistencies over the governing IEC documents.
• Establish common handling of such issues by all the member laboratories.
• Propose and adopt common Lines-of-Choice in uncertainty assumptions and calculations within MEASNET (and potentially when conducting Proficiency Testing).
• Minimize the scatter of Power Performance Test results and uncertainties as regards the Power Curve and the AEP.
The cumulated experience led the Power Performance Expert Group to work on a dual target:
- 1. Provide harmonized procedures followed by the MEASNET laboratories to minimize results’ deviation until relevant material is incorporated in the standard(s).
- 2. Provide inputs to the maintenance / development activities in IEC/TC88 (MT12 and MT50).
In developing and discussing the proposals, it became clear that their value would be reduced if they were limited on clarifying issues and harmonizing interpretations of the IEC standards. Thus, concepts leading to revisions and corrections have been developed next to clarification proposals regarding the IEC standard(s).
The proposal is available for download on the “Documents” section:
MEASNET, International Network of Wind Energy Measurement Institutes, is a non-profit organisation for accredited technical service providers engaged in the field of wind energy. Founded in 1997, its goal is to ensure high quality measurements, uniform interpretation of standards and recommendations, as well as interchangeability of results.
MEASNET currently counts 29 members, which are technical laboratories from Australia, China, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and The United States.
Since 2015, MEASNET holds an agreement with IECRE to offer and perform Proficiency Tests under the rules of IECRE as a privileged partner. Furthermore, in 2019, MEASNET signed an A-Liaison with the IEC TC 88 group to promote technology transfer and speed up the process of development and updating of technical guidelines.
Press contact:
Carolina Prada
Cell: +34 608 18 43 80
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Montegancedo Campus, CIDA Building
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid, Spain)