MEASNET attends IECRE SG 551 and WE-SWG meetings in China

• MEASNET Vice Chairman and IECRE Lead Assessor, Alejandro Martinez, presented in these forums the current status of the Proficiency Tests.
Madrid, 27.06.2024.- MEASNET Vice Chairman and IECRE Lead Assessor, Alejandro Martinez, attended the IECRE SG551 and WE-SWG meetings, held last April in Beijing (China).
During the meeting of SG 551, group specifically dedicated to the technical laboratories, the MEASNET representative presented the current status of the Proficiency Tests (PTs). MEASNET will make a proposal to the Working Group about the PTs periodicity.
Other relevant topic of discussion was the consideration of Lidar Validation as a Competence Area or, at least, as a field for which it would be worthwhile to create a more standardized approach within the system.
In addition, it was discussed the “scope extension” derived by the change from the 61400-12-1 standard to the 61400-12-1 + 61400-50 series.
On the other hand, the WE-SWG -the sector group dedicated to wind energy- meeting was convened by Ellen Hyldgaard, from Vestas, who has taken the charge from Frank Ormel.
During this gathering, RETL & RECB competence areas were topics specifically treated. In this context, the need arose to establish Site Assessment as an official one.
Regarding the Joint Working Forum, created to deal with the model validation activities, two documents have been created: OD-501-6-1 and OD-501-6-2. Their approval is expected for early 2025.
Alejandro Martinez offered also in this forum a brief explanation on the status of the different PTs, and on the current activities of WG 560.
Additionally, the MEASNET Chairwoman, Monika Krämer, sent out a presentation for the TC 88 group with an update about the A-Liaison between this group and MEASNET to promote technology transfer and speed up the process of development and updating of technical guidelines.
MEASNET members will be able to access the complete reports of these forums.
About Measnet
MEASNET, International Network of Wind Energy Measurement Institutes, is a non-profit organisation for accredited technical service providers engaged in the field of wind energy. Founded in 1997, its goal is to ensure high quality measurements, uniform interpretation of standards and recommendations, as well as interchangeability of results.
MEASNET currently counts 29 members, which are technical laboratories from Australia, China, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom, and The United States.
Since 2015, MEASNET holds an agreement with IECRE to offer and perform Proficiency Tests under the rules of IECRE as a privileged partner. Furthermore, in 2019, MEASNET signed an A-Liaison with the IEC TC 88 group to promote technology transfer and speed up the process of development and updating of technical guidelines.
Press contact:
Carolina Prada
Cell: +34 608 18 43 80
UPM – Montegancedo Campus
28223 – Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid (Spain)